Club statement on discriminatory chants

Following this afternoon’s Premier League clash with Chelsea, Wolves have released the following statement.

We strongly condemn the discriminatory chants aimed towards Chelsea supporters at today’s game.

In response to the chants, supporters were reminded by a public address system announcement that discriminatory behaviour and chants of this nature are not tolerated at Molineux.

Homophobia, like all other forms of discrimination, has no place in football or society, and anyone engaging in discriminatory behaviour is committing a criminal offence.

As a result, we can confirm that three arrests were made by West Midlands Police relating to homophobia, and the discriminatory chants in question.

Our ethos at Wolves is about being ‘One Pack’ – an attitude we are passionate about and that extends to our relationships across the football community, regardless of rivalries or what happens on the football pitch.

We thank all supporters and staff who reported incidents, and will continue to campaign for inclusivity and tackle discriminatory abuse, whether inside stadiums or online.

The club will offer its full support to the police as they carry out their investigation.