2024/25 season tickets | Frequently asked questions

Wolves season tickets are now in the renewal phase ahead of the 2024/25 Premier League season.

Existing season ticket holders have until midnight on Friday 14th June 2024 to retain their seat via eticketing.co.uk/wolves, where users should log in to their ticketing account and access a renewal notification.

We understand that some supporters have questions about the recent changes in season ticket pricing, and we are committed to maintaining transparency and answering these queries where possible.

The FAQ below is a collection of the most frequently asked questions to fanservices@wolves.co.uk in the past week, and the answers given are to address certain concerns and offer clarity behind the adjustments. We will continue to update the FAQs as more questions, specific to the operation of season tickets or pricing, arise.

What is the reason for season ticket price increases?

Each season, the club conducts a thorough analysis and benchmarking of ticket prices across other clubs. This year, the review showed that our adult prices were lower than most, while junior prices were among the lowest in the league. To align more closely with comparable clubs, we decided to increase prices. The adjustment this season means that minimal increases, or even price freezes, will be possible in subsequent seasons.

The interest-free direct debit payment option lets supporters spread the cost of renewal over nine monthly payments, with adult tickets behind the goals starting from £82 a month and junior prices from £17.50 a month.

Can you explain the benchmarking process which took place?

With the help of the Premier League, we collate ticket prices from every club. The information is then categorised by stands and age brackets at every club. This isn’t a straightforward process as different clubs have different ticketing processes. For example, some clubs charge different prices within the same stand, based on view and position, unlike Wolves. In cases like this we take the mean average of all the prices contained within that stand. Others place the family area in different sections of the stadium, at times in a less sought-after area as the one Wolves offer. During the process, we aimed to compare ourselves alongside clubs with similar stadium sizes and sporting achievements.

Why are Wolves benchmarking against successful Premier League clubs?

Over the past six seasons, Wolves have established themselves as a competitive Premier League team, with an average league position of between 10th and 11th. We are among the few clubs to have competed in European competitions during this period, with near misses for European qualification or cup success in four of those six seasons. These achievements reflect our growth and ambition and it's important to recognise that Wolves are competing at a high level.

No club has an inherent right to be in the Premier League, but our consistent performance demonstrates that currently we belong among the top tier teams. Benchmarking ourselves amongst teams who have a similar recent sporting history reflects our commitment to maintaining and enhancing our competitiveness in the Premier League.

Why have junior tickets been increased the most?

Previously, prices for those aged under-14 averaged just £5.50 per game across the ground and for those aged under-17 averaged £11.50. With the new pricing, under-14 tickets will range from £9 to £16 per game, with under-17 tickets ranging from £11.50 to £20 depending on the stand. The club feels this still represents good value and is much closer in pricing to that of our competitors in the Premier League.

Why have there been specific price increases for disabled supporters?

There has not been a specific price increase for disabled supporters or wheelchair users. As always, supporters with a disability pay their relevant age category and are entitled to bring along a personal assistant for free where required.

Furthermore, adult supporters who sit within designated accessible areas of the stadium receive a concessionary price.

We are proud of the support we offer our fans with accessible needs through our disability access officer and Fan Services team. Any supporters with accessibility issues who need assistance should contact Fan Services on fanservices@wolves.co.uk.

Given the club’s diverse revenue streams, why is this increase in ticketing revenue deemed necessary?

All revenue streams are vital to the club’s operations. The Premier League is incredibly competitive, requiring continued investment to maintain a strong position. As we enter our seventh consecutive season in the Premier League, our aim is to continue to compete at the highest level. This ticket revenue increase is a crucial step in achieving these goals and continuing to compete with our peers in the league.

Why weren’t the renewal prices published by the club?

As has been the case in previous seasons, the club sent a direct email to season ticket holders relating to their renewal. This ensures that each supporter can see information relating specifically to their renewal. On the same day, following the emails being sent, a story was released on the official club website, which can be viewed here.

How important are season ticket holders to Wolves?

Season ticket holders are crucial to Wolves, and always will be. Wolverhampton is not a major tourist destination, so local and domestic fans will forever form the core of our supporter base, and match going fans are without a doubt the heartbeat of the club.

Will the North Bank Bar still be accessible for season ticket holders?

Yes, season ticket holders will continue to have free access to the North Bank Bar. The club is considering improvements to enhance the service and experience for our supporters, and had been considering making it a premium area. However, the club is now committed to maintaining it as an area for season ticket holders to access on a first come first served basis.