Gallery | Strand Larsen visits Norway Wolves' Molineux event

Jorgen Strand Larsen was the guest star - alongside some Old Gold legends - as Wolves' Norwegian supporters clubs joined together for an special event at Molineux on Friday.

Wolves currently have three supporters groups in Norway; West Norway Wolves, Viking Wolves and Tronder Wolves, and more than 100 members of the groups headed to the Black Country last week to be part of the event, as well as watch the win over Aston Villa on Saturday.

And the Norwegian international striker, who is currently recovering from an injury which put him out of the weekend's victory, joined host Odin Henrikssen - chairman of West Norway Wolves - and legendary Old Gold players John Richards, Kenny Hibbitt, Mel Eves, Phil Parkes, Steve Daley and Colin Brazier for a enjoyable night in WV1.

The cameras were also on hand to capture the evening, which you can see in the gallery below.