Football Beginnings | Toti

Portuguese defender Toti provides his early experiences in the game, which set him on the road to Molineux.

Who was your role model when you were growing up?

I would say Ronaldo and Messi because I started playing football a little bit late, but I always enjoyed them. When I started playing, I was a striker or winger, and I would say they were the big references.

Did you have a mentor who helped guide you?

I would say my family and close friends that I’ve had since I was a kid – I’m still with the same friends and they’re the ones who help me a lot. They try to push me in the right way in life, not just in football.

What setbacks did you have to overcome?

I started playing very late. I wanted to play when I was a kid, but at the time I didn’t have the chance to go to an academy like the other kids. That’s why I started to play other sports like rugby and athletics, a little bit of everything, I was one of those kids who’d play every type of sport.

What was your biggest success as a young player?

The league title I had was in Switzerland when we won the championship. That was my first title, and you never forget that.

Do you have any moments you still remember from that time?

Just having fun with the guys – when you’re younger, you just enjoy it, not thinking too much about titles and things like that. I think it’s the best way, playing with your friends and being happy.

What have you learned most between then and now?

I’ve learned a lot. I listen a lot to the opinions of the people, even if they might be wrong, it’s good to listen to people and after just respond on the pitch and work a lot every single day, because it’s not easy, our lifestyle.

This article originally featured in Wolves' official 2023/24 matchday programme. Last season's programmes are still available to purchase online through retailers Curtis Sports
