Doyle marks Mental Health Awareness Week

Following his first season in the Black Country, Tommy Doyle described how important mental health is and the importance of talking to someone.

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week and supporting the Premier League’s Inside Matters campaign, Doyle met up with Wolves Foundation’s Head 4 Health participants and engaged with them in a bowling activity.

Head 4 Health, supported by the Premier League and PFA Community Fund with additional funding from City of Wolverhampton Council, hosts workshops on mental health, but also focuses on physical activities including the likes of badminton, golf and walking.

Doyle spoke about the importance of talking when struggling.

He said: “I think it can be that weight that is lifted off your shoulders.

“Especially for me to come here and interact with people who might not be feeling as good as they would like to.

“I think it’s important we communicate with each other, and everyone can help each other.”

Doyle was also presented with the PFA Community Champion award at Wolves’ last home game against Crystal Palace, alongside Wolves Women’s Ellie Wilson, highlighting their commitment to the community.

“It’s nice, I think as a footballer it’s good to understand we can have a positive impact on people’s lives so it’s good to come here today and put a smile on people's faces.

“Hopefully when they go home, they are happier than they were before and know there are positives in life which you can take.”

This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week theme is movement, with regular activity proven to positively impact physical and mental health.

“We wanted to do something different rather than sitting and talking at Molineux and trying to get people out and about, people might not come and speak about their feelings, but this can take their mind off things and have a laugh and a joke which helps,” says Foundation health and wellbeing manager Rachel Smith.

“As well as the workshops we deliver as part of Head 4 Health, we also know how much moving more can help boost our mood, improve self-esteem and reduce stress and anxiety. It can even help us to sleep better as well.”

“It is great for the participants as many of them are Wolves fans, Tommy has been brilliant and completely bought in to what we do.”

Written by Thomas Gibson