Wolves Express | Dissecting the Brentford defeat
Wolves' disappointing showing at Brentford on Saturday is the focus of the week’s first Wolves Express episode, as Gary O'Neil and Mario Lemina dissect the defeat.
Brentford 5-3 Wolves
Wolves' disappointing showing at Brentford on Saturday is the focus of the week’s first Wolves Express episode, as Gary O'Neil and Mario Lemina dissect the defeat.
Mario Lemina still has plenty of faith that Wolves will begin to turn their season around after going the opening seven games without a win following Saturday’s defeat away at Brentford.
게리 오닐 감독은 프리미어리그 첫 승을 노리는 울브스가 브렌트퍼드전에서 5골을 실점한 수비 부진을 보인 것에 대해 전적으로 책임을 지겠다고 밝혔습니다.